Your money deserves only the best.
We help protect what you’ve earned.

We have already helped hundreds of internationally wealthy individuals invest and store their money safely in Switzerland.

Take action today and benefit from my over 30 years of experience in international asset protection.

Enzo Caputo is known worldwide from the media:

We are the leading asset protection boutique law firm in Switzerland with a proven track record.

L’avvocato Caputo è una persona estremamente gentile, disponibile e preparata. Nonostante l’argomento da me richiesto non riguardasse il suo ambito di lavoro, ha avuto la gentilezza di consigliarmi la persona giusta a cui rivolgermi e a darmi prontamente il suo parere.
We lost a cargo container of valuables in Zurich. One telephone call to Enzo and he provided the important information we needed to get on track! When we need an attorney in Zurich, Caputo & Partners will be our first call. 5 STARS for sure!
herr Caputo Isch echt en interessante Mensch. wo ich ihm am 9i ahhlüte ha und ihn nach par frage und erklärige terapiert han lol direkt berate und mir en antwort chön geh !ich chan ihn wük nur witer empfehle sehr seriös und mehr fühlt sich direkt ernst gnoh!
I had a fantastic consultation with the Caputo brothers. They gave me expert advice on asset management, banking strategies, and wealth management. The session was really insightful, covering everything from investment returns and fee structures to why external asset managers can be a better choice. I really appreciated their honest and transparent approach, pointing out the conflicts of interest in traditional banking and offering practical solutions for better financial management. Their knowledge is pretty impressive, to say the least :) Highly recommend!
Today, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with the senior partner and council for the firm, Enzo Caputo.We spoke about a number of issues involving wealth Management, diversification of assets, diversifying fund composition, and the survivability of wealth in family office planning.Of course, dealing with a solicitor is not the same thing as dealing with an asset manager. Lawyers are required as a matter of ethics to only make suggestions to clients which in their view is beneficial to the client, and not self-serving.These types of ethical considerations do not exist with real estate agents, fund managers, Banks, financial institutions or other agents. So it was quite refreshing to hear Mr Caputo's analysis on fund diversification.We also spoke at length about the security of Swiss banks, and how the government protects investors and depositors in case of Bank defaults.We also spoke at length about relocation to different countries, and he provided me his honest opinion on the various jurisdictions that were available including the pros and cons of each jurisdiction.This is a completely unsolicited review. On the basis of full disclosure, I have not been paid, or otherwise compensated for making this review other than the fact that I was invited to write this review if I so chose.
Habe meinen ersten Anruf in der Kanzlei getätigt und direkt von Herrn Caputo eine kostenfreie erste Kurzberatung -ohne Schnickschnack- zum Thema privater Kontoeröffnung und Empfehlungen zu Steuerprofis aus seinem Netzwerk bekommen. Klar, freundlich und kompetent, so wie man es sich wünscht. Im Bedarsfall sehr zu empfehlen!
Mr Caputo knowledge of the Swiss system helped me to quickly identify the best solution suitable to my needs! Highly reccomended!
Wir waren heute bei Herr Caputo und sein Partner Roberto, Top professionale Beratung !!!Es wird alles gründlich erzählt, nimmt viel zeit. Top Profissionele Beratung !!
Herr Enzo Caputo hat mich sehr gut und kompetent beraten. Seine fundierten Kenntnisse und sein professionelles Auftreten haben mir das Vertrauen gegeben, dass ich die richtige Entscheidung treffe. Er nahm sich ausreichend Zeit, um meine Fragen umfassend zu beantworten und ging auf meine individuellen Bedürfnisse ein. Die Beratung war nicht nur informativ, sondern auch angenehm, da Herr Caputo eine freundliche und zugängliche Art an den Tag legte. Seine Expertise hat mir geholfen, die bestmögliche Lösung für meine Anliegen zu finden. Ich kann Herrn Caputo uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen und bin mit seiner Dienstleistung äusserst zufrieden. Vielen Dank für die exzellente Beratung!
We have contacted Caputo & Partners AG when we needed a legal advise on a quite unusual matter.Mr Enzo Caputo kindly provided us with a very comprehensive response which really helped us in outlining our point of view.
Dear Enzo,dear Alessandro,Hope all is well.We got our bank account thanks to you and we would like to thank you a lot for that.It was a long process to complete the Know Your Customer enquiry and convince the bank that our net worth was legit.We hope to have you on our side if,later on,some problem show up with that relation.You are doing a great job and we will recommend you to anybody looking to open an account or solving a problem with a bank.Thanking you again.All the best.Albert
Habe Herrn Caputo, als zuverlässigen, Kompetenten und aufrechten Geschäftsmann kennen gelernt. Weiter so !!!
I miei genitori avevano un conto in Svizzera. L' avvocato Caputo ha accompagnato le complesse procedure di diritto internazionale. Ha condotto le trattative con la banca svizzera. Non dare mandato a Caputo per problemi con banche svizzere é un errore grave. Posso solo raccomandare lo studio Caputo & Partners di Zurigo.
I have been touch base with Mr. Caputo recently and I have been very surprised how keen this person was to answer my questions and give good advice without asking nothing in return, to be noted that Enzo was just recovery from a surgery can you imagine what this person can do in a normal day life?Bravo!!!
Excellent, fast, reliable , honest, human and spot on professional - Bravo - 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👏
Ho sentito l'avvocato Caputo telefonicamente, molto professionale e gentile.Mi ha dato ottimi consigli su come risolvere il problema
Highly recommendable. Friendly and competent advice for company and account opening in Switzerland - directly from the owner (no secretary or junior partner as usual)
Highly recommended! I had a bad case during the holidays where I couldn't contact with any lawyer, luckily when I called Mr. Caputo he picked up the phone right away and listened to my problem and explained the issues. Right after that he gave me his a cell phone number and remind me if there is a problem call him immediately. Thank you very much!
The company has a competent and personable owner. We were able to quickly familiarize ourseves into the topics. Thank you for the syphatic and professional consulting. Respectfully yours, C.J
Enzo Caputo has an ability to cut to the essentials of an issue extremely quickly. His advice is practically based, and skillful.His experience in the sector has been very helpful, and he is not afraid to tackle difficult problems.Enzo's approach has been professional, and he was able to provide help in pointing out the key factors for success. He has been a very helpful ally. Also, Alex's operational experience was invaluable. Setting up any financial relationship correctly to avoid conflicts of interest is absolutely crucial. These conflicts are not always aobvious. Caputo and Partners have some very useful knowledge.
Coming to Switzerland and dealing with the local banks as a foreigner is a challenging task. However, if you are equipped with a proper advice the task is certainly doable. If you are solely dealing with the Swiss banking system and frustrated, look no further – call Alex or Enzo. What I personally like about this firm is that it is a one stop shop. What I mean by that? Alex and Enzo provide a sound advice not only on legal issues you may have but also, they are well seasoned bankers and trained as tax advisors. All the common issues could be resolved in one office, I did not need to go to multiple firms, everything covered in house. By the way, your coffee shop suggestion made my day. Well brewed and tasty coffee. Thanks Alex and Enzo!
We have a problem at the bank. Mr Caputo managed to solve the problem with the Swiss bank and we received the money back after his intervention with the bank. He figured out all compliance issues with the Swiss bank. We are happy to recommend his law firm for any issues connected with a Swiss bank.Not hiring Caputo & Partners will be a mistake. The compliance issues are complex today. You really need to engage an expert like Mr Enzo Caputo.
I highly recommend this trust worthy professionals, who are always there for you when you need them. And Mr.Caputo is the professional, who gets you the results you wanted.
Enzo Caputo is extremely professional, clear, quick, analytic and precise in his response in English and German. Client was very impressed.
I can report the best about Mr. Caputo. When it comes to highly complex and international structures, he is the lawyer I trust. Clear in his statements and very helpful to illuminate all aspects accurately and in depth.
Sehr empfehlenswert! Herr Caputo hat uns persönlich sehr gut beraten und geholfen (nachdem uns zwei andere Anwälte sehr viel Geld gekostet hatten ohne Resultate und wir nicht mehr weiter wussten). Er half rasch, unkompliziert und kompetent. Vielen Dank, Herr Caputo!
Enzo was very helpful in answering my questions about citizenship and investments. He spent time with me going over the options of Italian citizenship as well as other EU countries and giving me guidance as to what would be the best for me economically. His knowledge of Swiss banks is very helpful as well and I will be looking forward to working with him in the future to finalize my investment plans. His website and YouTube channel are great resources as well. Thanks again, Enzo!
Ciao Enzo,we wanted to thank you again for your quick and professional support for our request.And as we have already told you personally, we have saved you in our database as the first address for all financial transactions that we will and want to carry out in Switzerland, even if it is only when we need professional advice, we will contact you primarily, as we have greatly appreciated your work.Thank you again for your quick, human and smooth support in our best regards Umberto
Ich hatte heute eine kurze und effektive telefonische Beratung von Firma Capito, und er war profi und konkret ! danke euch nochmals von Tip Top Immobilien

Account Opening with a Swiss Private Bank

I would like to protect my Assets with one of the safest Private Banks on earth.

Wealth Management & Asset Protection

I want to protect my Assets and invest them in a crisis-proof manner.

Swiss Bank Account Inheritance

I want a smooth and fast Asset Transfer to my Account.

Dormant Accounts & Assets

I need help to find hidden Assets & secret Accounts in Switzerland.

Swiss Bank Account Frozen

I need an Expert to unlock my Frozen Account.

Golden Visa & Citizenship by Investment

I need a Second Citizenship/Golden Visa.

Tax Avoidance, Relocation & Lump Sum Taxation in Switzerland

I want to move to Switzerland and pay less tax with the Swiss Lump Sum Taxation.

Buy Existing Shell Company / Swiss Company Formation

I want to buy an existing & certified Shell Company. I want to set-up an AG.

Why you should choose Caputo & Partners?

We are known for fast on-site operations – where ever it is burning:
Whether in Africa arranging for the export of gold or in Zurich sitting with the executives of a Swiss private bank, we will protect your interests. We are the first address for international private clients, who appreciate unconventional tax help and fast solutions.

An international battle-proven team of banking experts is available around the clock. Our boutique business law firm has years of hands-on experience in international private banking. Portable and proven expertise are readily available for you – from your first call! Don’t go alone to the bank – everything you will say may be recorded and used against you.

We are famous for producing fast results on the spot.

We solve the most sophisticated problems with a Swiss bank account, offshore banking, international tax & business. Such problems can lead to the loss of all your money, that your money remains frozen for years, or you even risk going to jail.

Every day, we produce extraordinary results for our high-class international private clientele, even in seemingly hopeless cases where others have already given up.

Would you like to find out more about “Enzo Caputo” as a person and about the boutique law firm “Caputo & Partners”?

Wealth Management Switzerland Study (115 Portfolios On The Test Bench)

Why 71% of Swiss investment firms underperform (including banks) instead of creating the results you deserve. Discover 17 tips you must know BEFORE investing money.

Case studies show that most investors discover their wrong investments ONLY AFTER having suffered substantial losses with their portfolio. The wrong choice of the bank and wealth manager is the main reason for substantial losses. Learn from the mistakes of others.

Thanks to my connections as the former CEO of the Swiss Association of Wealth Managers ( I got access to very confidential information. I analysed 115 existing portfolios based on a track record of 10 years. The 115 portfolios are managed directly by a Swiss bank or an external asset manager Switzerland.

The results of my studies will surprise you.

The 3rd generation destroys 90% of all family assets over USD 5 million

Studies show that 70% of all very wealthy families have already destroyed their wealth in the second generation. The grandchildren take care of the rest. In the 3rd generation, just 10% of inherited family wealth still exists.

Why is that so? Why is the next generation not prepared for the succession?

  • 78% of millionaires do not expect their children to handle money responsibly.
  • Handling money makes their children work-shy and lazy.
  • 64% have never talked to their children about the family fortune.

The misconception that “you don’t talk about money” has fatal consequences. This view leads to the total loss of family assets.

Most rich heirs do not get access to the money as long the Principle is alive.

Studies show that it only takes 19 days on average for heirs to buy their first Ferrari or Lamborghini from the money they have just received (example: study by Williams Group Wealth Consultancy).

Children need to learn how to handle money as early as possible. That’s why good Swiss bankers always make sure that their clients’ children take part in wealth management discussions as early as possible.

If you want to prevent your hard-earned assets from vanishing into thin air in the hands of your children and grandchildren in no time at all, then read our articles on Single Family Office, Multi-Family Office, Family Office Services and much more. As former CEO of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers, I had an insight into the day-to-day business of family offices. The most important topics can be found in the table of contents.

Educate yourself further on wealth accumulation and asset protection by reading our articles in the “Family Office” section. Talk about it with your children. Discuss questions about family wealth within the family. Your children will be grateful.

I guarantee you an exciting read.

Swiss Private Bank Directory

Swiss Private Banks - Swiss Private Banking

We remarked that the international private clientele is very unsure about the choice of private banks. Easy to understand comparison parameters to find the best and safest Swiss banks are not easily accessible.

How do you find the right bank for your individual needs and expectations from 283 banks? By comparing and confronting all the annual reports? Not all banks are publishing the annual report. Sometimes, the high level of confidentiality and discretion turns into an obsession in Switzerland. This has led us to launch the world’s first Swiss Private Bank Directory. This gives you an easily accessible comparison of all Swiss private banks. Nothing comparable exists until today.

We provide facts and figures based on the latest annual report. We have summarized only the most important key figures for you so that you can gain a quick and easy overview allowing the comparison of specific banks. As experts, we also help you to fine-tune your bank selection. We will network you with the right people of a specific private bank.

With our introduction, you can be sure that your wealth will not vanish because of adventures with high-risk investments. We will make sure that you will only be looked after by the best senior top private banker. Due to a large number of private banks, independent advice is paramount.

Remember: Great choices are born of good advice.

As an Ex-UBS tax attorney and former CEO of the Association of Swiss Asset Managers (SAAM) I have the capacity to deliver a competent and independent advice to ensure that you can keep your money in safe hands over the long term. That’s what I stand for by my name.

Our Performance Breakdown

More than 600 Swiss bank accounts opened for better asset protection. The world has become more insecure. Swiss banks attracted a new record sum of new assets to Switzerland in 2020. Only the most secure Swiss banks are good enough. We help to negotiate the most advantageous pricing models with Swiss banks and star asset managers.
More than 50 happy clients are paying less tax with the Swiss lump-sum taxation regime. We help with international private schools, private clinics, luxury real estate purchase and much more. As an alternative, we offer the Italian flat tax regime also to Non-European citizens. We offer tax-efficient residency in Monte Carlo, Malta and other countries.
We’ve helped dozens of clients with a Plan B: Citizenship by Investment, Second Passports and Golden Visa. Latvia Exile Program for EU passport in 3 months only. Golden Visa Portugal, Spain and Greece, Golden Visa Italy with Flat Tax and other relocation services.Citizenship by Investment in Malta, Cyprus, Montenegro, Caribbean countries and other programs.
We closed 357 Swiss bank account inheritance cases for our international clients. We are familiar with global succession cases, joint accounts, offshore company accounts, family foundations and trusts, accounts with a power of attorney beyond death (Procura Post Mortem) and other tricky issues.
We discovered more than 80 Secret Bank Accounts. We help non-resident heirs with our special investigation methods for Dormant Bank Accounts, Numbered Bank Accounts and Secret Bank Accounts.
We closed more than 1’000 international transactions. We do background checks, authenticity checks on documents, legal opinions, business background checks, offshore assets recovery, elimination of negative google reviews, analysis of OFAC sanctions, Iran embargo checks, World-Check delisting.

Who is behind the international business law firm Caputo & Partners
and what makes the boutique law firm in Zurich so unique?

After a successful career in the Swiss Private Banking Industry (UBS, Credit Agricole) as an international Tax Attorney, Compliance Officer, Advisor for UHNWI (Ultra High Net Worth Individuals) and CEO of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers Enzo Caputo founded Caputo & Partners AG in 2006.

Enzo Caputo, during his many years as a bank and tax attorney, recognized that the big law firms employ lawyers who have never worked in a bank. The expertise of salaried lawyers is largely based on theoretical knowledge from universities and courts.

The lack of practice in the bank meant that communication with the bank was unnecessarily complicated and degenerated into a paper war with the legal department of the bank. The result for the client ends in astronomical costs with unnecessary loss of time, incalculable consequential damage or the total loss of the wealth of the client.

Then, Enzo Caputo had the vision to build up an international team of experts with many years of precious professional experience accumulated with Swiss private banks.

Take immediate benefit from the professional banking experience of our experts. Let our boutique law firm Caputo & Partners eliminate all your financial problems and achieve exclusive results.

“Choosing a large law or audit company does not guarantee a 100% watertight tax optimization without mistakes. The case with football star Cristiano Ronaldo and Formula 1 Pilot Lewis Hamilton in the media are proof that it does not depend on the size of the consultant company, because in the end, the customer will be held responsible for the mistakes of the consultants at court.”

Would you like to find out more details about us and how we work?

Difference between Caputo & Partners and Other Big Law Firms

  • Fast and flexible Client On-boarding

  • Lengthy On-boarding procedure
  • First Direct Contact to the CEO on Day One
    The Senior tax attorney is accessible
  • The Client receives an appointment after 2 weeks.
    Additional 2 weeks for Conflict of Interest Check and Due Diligence for on-boarding the client, if On-boarding is approved, the first contact with Senior Tax Lawyer after 4 weeks
    Senior Attorney is rarely accessible
  • Zero conflict of interest
  • High potential for a conflict of interest (hundreds of Lawyers)
  • Emergency Hotline available
  • No Emergency Hotline
  • 100% Free Case Evaluation
  • Advance Payment from the first minute
  • Flat fee & success fee
  • Hourly rate
  • Case Management by Enzo Caputo
  • Case Management by Junior tax lawyer
  • Insider know-how with Swiss Private Banks
  • No professional banking background
  • The practical approach with portable out of the box solutions – based on 30 years professional banking experience
  • Academic approach with standard legal solutions from Universities
  • Personal relationships to Top Senior Bankers and Owners of banks. 30 years high-exclusive banking network.
  • Small network with bankers.
  • Core activities focussed on Swiss Banking
  • Law Firms offering fully fledged legal services
  • Specialized on out-of-court settlements based on personal meetings with banks, avoiding litigation.
    Direct communication with Top management of the bank. We deliver fast results.
  • Exchange of letters with the legal department of the bank.
    Written communication with the legal department of the bank (paper war with 1000’s of long letters).
  • We are not on the Payroll of the Swiss Banks
  • Have Mandates with Banks