BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft

Origin of BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft

BZ-Bank-Aktiengesellschaft-1BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1985 by Martin Ebner. In 1997 the bank moved its domicile from Zurich to Wilen near Wollerau in the Canton of Schwyz. Martin Ebner and his wife Rosmarie own 70 % of the shares of BZ Bank.
The bank holds 14.6 billion CHF in client assets. These assets are mainly invested in equities.

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Philosophy and Strategy
The client’s need is always at the heart of BZ Bank. The bank’s strong points are a moral concept, high quality, trust-based relationships and efficient and straightforward operations. Due to the specialization of the banking activities, BZ Bank’s primary revenue stream is from the commission and advisory fees.

BZ Bank focuses on personalized services either by phone or by personal appearance. The services are delivered straightforwardly and efficiently. Privacy and discretion are of utmost importance. The basis of the relationship with BZ Bank is trust, and the bank has very high standards of values and quality. The highest ethical standards are applied for the bank and its employees.
The services of BZ Bank are provided in Switzerland, and the business model is characterized by simple and manageable structures and a concentration on focused business activities.

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Services and Solutions
BZ-Bank-Aktiengesellschaft-2BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft is specialized in advisory services and securities trading with respect of equity investments and equity participation.
The primary services of BZ Bank are securities trading, equity brokerage, advisory services and wealth management for selected clients, corporate advisory, management of collective investment schemes for listed and non-listed equities and asset management.

Brokerage: Since the inception of BZ Bank the core competence has been the equity brokerage activities. The bank advises its selected clients in equities investments and building strategic stakes in companies. The focus is on Swiss equities and European equities both listed and non-listed.
The proprietary research of BZ Bank is based on fundamental analysis, and the investment horizon is long-term.

Private Banking: The bank is specialized in equity investment management and investment strategy for a selected number of clients. The bank offers active portfolio management by discretionary accounts.

Corporate Advisory: The bank helps their clients in planning and executing capital market transactions.
BZ Bank advises its clients in the sale or acquisition of companies and businesses. The bank has a broad network to support their clients in their M&A activities. The experienced team acts in an active, discrete and quick manner.

Asset Management: BZ Bank manages the equity portfolios for institutional investors. They offer active management, independent from indices and benchmarks. The primary focus is on Swiss and European equities.

Investment Funds: BZ Bank is the representative and leading sales agent in Switzerland for four investment funds based in Luxembourg. Through in-house funds, the bank offers investments in selected non-listed companies in the form of private equity.

Risk Management
It’s the structure of its ownership that shapes the risk culture of BZ Bank. The risks can be characterized as low, and the Board of Directors regularly assesses them.
The Board of Directors reviews the risk policy periodically. Limits are set for individual risks. The control of the risks takes place on a continuous basis. The Board is informed of the inherent risks, the liquidity, the financial situation and the income status of the bank.

Default risk is very minimal; the bank doesn’t get involved in credit risk. Loans are only granted if collateral covers them. Just listed and liquid assets are taken as collateral.
Interest rate risk is of minor importance. The bank does not get involved in interest-earning operations.
Other market risks are position risks which are restricted by limits. Trading positions are controlled daily. The bank has almost zero foreign exchange risk.
The banking law requirements control the liquidity risk.
Operational risks arise from inadequacy and failure of internal procedures, systems, and persons or unexpected external events.

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Added-Value Services
BZ Bank’s four investment funds have a long-term approach and invest in industries with organic growth and companies with attractive valuations and proper management.

The funds are:
BZ FINE AGRO is investing in equities in the agro sector. Companies which are active in extraction, production, and transport of agricultural products. The fund is only investing in equities and does not get involved in futures or derivatives.
BZ FINE INFRA invest in equities in the utilities and infrastructure sector. The sectors include air- and seaport, rail industry, toll road, waste management and power and water utilities.
BZ FINE EUROPE invest mainly in Swiss and European equities. The investment decisions are based on BZ Bank’s internal research on a fundamental approach and with a long-term investment horizon.
BZ FINE PHARMA invest in equities in the pharma sector. The sector has undergone some severe changes and will be driven by further M&A transactions. Companies who can lower the overall drug costs will be the winners.

BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft – Facts & Figures

(Rotate your Mobile Phone for optimal Table-View)

Address Egglirain 15, 8832 Wilen
Phone +41 44 786 61 11
Year of foundation 1985
No. of employees 11
Chairman Werner Rieder
CEO Dr. Stefan Holzer
Eligible Regulatory Capital 30.706 m CHF
Tier 1 Ratio 41.83 %
Leverage Exposure 270.906 m CHF
Leverage Ratio 11.33 %
Liquidity Coverage Ratio 376 %
Risk Weighted Assets 73.403 m CHF
Loans outstanding 25.972 m CHF
Assets under Management 13.195 bn CHF
Assets under Management / Employees 1.199 bn CHF
Net profit 12.001 m CHF
Net Profit / Employees 1.091 m CHF
Cost / Income Cost Ratio (CIR) 33.45 %
Return on Equity 28.10 %
Own structured products No
Foreigners accepted No
Presence abroad No

Source: Annual Report 2021

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